
Who is a Campmaster?

A Campmaster is an adult Scouter who uses his/her experience, training, and knowledge of the Scouting program to help both Scouts and their adult leaders develop skills in the outdoors. This program is an excellent opportunity for leaders who love the outdoors, and love to work with Scouts of any age.

To be a Campmaster you must:

  1. Be a registered Scouting America adult at least 21 years of age or older.
  2. Be fully trained in Youth Protection as well as Weather Hazard and Program Safety, and have a general understanding of the Guide to Safe Scouting
  3. Be familiar with the property of Camp William B. Snyder
  4. Have completed a Campmasters’ Orientation.
  5. Be willing to be “first in – last out” for at least two weekends a year at Camp William B. Snyder in Haymarket, VA

What do Campmasters do?

A Campmaster agrees to be at Camp from Friday evening through Sunday morning of their assigned weekends. They are responsible for the checking in / checking out of units for the weekends they agree to be on duty.  Much of the Campmaster’s job is answering questions. The Campmaster is on property to be a resource for our guests to make their stay at Camp William B. Snyder more enjoyable. They are also asked to assist the Camp Ranger as needed.

Cabin or Campsite facilities are provided, as available, for the Campmaster’s use.

What do I need to do to become a Campmaster?

It’s really simple!

  1. Ensure you’ve completed Scouts BSA (Y01) Youth Protection, and that it is current.
  2. We also ask that you be current in Weather Hazard training which is available in the Training Center on  
  3. Contact our Camp Director, Eric Smith at
  4. and provide copies of the training certificates outlined above. Once complete, Eric will arrange for you to complete the Campmaster’s Orientation, and arrange for you to have access to the Campmaster’s Calendar.