Summer Camp

Cub Scout

Summer 2025

Get ready to join our mad scientists in our outdoor laboratory for a summer full of fun!

Introducing STEM Scouts, the BSA's newest program

Scout Summer Camp 2025

Merit Badge Counselor - Southern Sierra Council

2 weeks to choose from!

Are you looking for a program for your older Scouts? Take a look at our Scout Merit Badge Camps or register for our First Year Program. Come to camp each day or stay for the week. The choice is yours!

Registration Information

Who Registers?

Each unit can make only one registration per camp session. Only one person, the Unit Registrar, should manage the registration, enter information, and make payments on behalf of the unit. (Parents should contact their unit registrar to register their youth to go to camp.)


There are two options for creating a registration: make an account or continue as a guest. Regardless, you’ll still be able to access your registration, either by logging into your account, through your confirmation email, or by using the Lookup Registration feature on the event sign up page.

Leaders Required

All Cub Scout units must provide adult leadership at camp. Youth(s) attending The Scout week attendees may attend as part of Provisional units during Specialty Week.

Reserve Your Spot

To reserve your unit’s spot, the unit registrar needs to enter their unit information and pay for one youth camper.

Adding Campers

Add campers to your roster only when you are ready to pay for them. The registrar does not need to know exactly how many people are coming to reserve space at camp. Additional attendees can be added as youth and adults commit. (The registrar will receive an email that gives further details AFTER the first payment is made.)

Free Adult Policy

Volunteer Leaders: Any unit registration for our Resident Weekend sessions will be eligible for 2 Free adults.

Troops sending 5+ Scouts to our Scouts BSA Week will be eligible for 1 Free Adult.


If you plan on applying for a campership for a youth, please DO NOT pay the full amount right away. Voucher codes will be sent out after camperships are awarded.

See below to Apply Now

Camperships & Vouchers

If you have a voucher code for a campership or some other program, like popcorn, make sure the Scout’s name and unit match those from the application. If they are bridging into Scouts and you need to update the unit information, please let us know.

Adult Requirements

All Scouts attending summer programs at Camp Snyder must be chaperoned by either their own adult family member or a leadership team from their Scout unit. We welcome parents, trained Scout leaders, and Den Chiefs to attend camp with their Scouts. Per BSA National policy, those attending camp must maintain the appropriate BSA registrations and Youth protection training.

2025 Schedule & Availability

Resident Weekend
Session 1
6/19 – 6/22
Day Camp
Session 1
6/23 – 6/27
Resident Weekend
Session 2
6/26 – 6/29
Bear Camp6/30 – 7/3
Day Camp 27/7 – 7/11
Resident Weekend
Session 3
7/10 – 7/13
Scout Specialty Week
(for Scouts BSA)
7/13 – 7/18Resident –
Day –
Scout Specialty Week
(for Scouts BSA)
7/20 – 7/25Resident –
Day –

2025 Camp Costs

Cub Scout Programs

For rising Tigers through rising Arrow of Light Scouts

Day CampResident WeekendIf paid by…
YouthAdultYouthAdult / Den Chief
Early Bird$300$65$310$100April 14
On Time$320$70$330$125May 12
Late$340$75$350$150After May 12

Scouts BSA Programs

For ages 11 – 17 (registered in a Scouts BSA unit)

Specialty WeekIf paid by…
Resident YouthDay YouthAdult
Early Bird$565$465$TBDApril 14
On Time$595$495$TBDMay 12
Late$625$525After May 12

Volunteer adults (merit badge counselors & week-long chaperones are FREE & their Scout is discounted. Please contact the camp before registering if you are planning to be on staff.

Refund Policy


If the unit cancels, the deposit payment (the cost of one Scout) may be saved as credit for the unit OR a refund may be requested for a limited time.

If an individual cancels, a replacement scout may be found, the cost may be saved as credit for the unit, OR a refund may be requested for a limited time.

  • On or before May 15th: A refund or a unit registration credit of 90% of registration costs will be granted for any reason by request through our Refund Request online form.
  • Between May 16th and July 31st: A maximum refund or unit registration credit of 50% of registration costs will be granted for any reason by request through our Refund Request online form. Only requests from the registrar of record will be honored (parents, please work through your unit leadership to receive a refund).
  • Please note that refund requests for Medical Reasons, Bereavement, and Job Transfer will result in approvals of 80%.
  • After July 31st, 2025: No further refunds or rollover unit registration credits can be requested.

All refunds will be subject to final review in the Council office before the payment is issued. Online payments options will be credited where possible, or paper checks will be issued to the unit. Refund requests must be submitted by email. Verbal requests cannot be processed.

All unit registration credits are valid only for the 2025 and 2026 Summer Camp seasons and will expire on August 31, 2026.


The National Capital Area Council Campership Funds are possible because of great donors. A special thank you to the Augustine and Dixon family for sharing their resources for Scouts in need. The Campership Committee will convene and make award designations. Please submit this application before registering your Scout for camp online and before paying the Scout’s camp fees. Voucher codes will be sent out after camperships are awarded.

The financial aid request deadline is ongoing. Requests received can only be considered if funds are still available.