Webelos Conservation Project Was a Real Hoot!

Posted in Michael's Woodshop

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Webelos-Project-3-4-150x150-1.jpgOn November 10, Webelos from Pack 1344 came out to Michael’s Woodshop to build owl boxes as a service project for Camp Snyder. In the process, they were given the opportunity to learn and practice  some basic woodworking skills. With assistance and guidance from two volunteer Shop Stewards, parents and their Den Chief, these Webelos learned basic shop safety rules, how to read working drawings, measuring and marking skills, how to use a hammer and nail punch and they even got to install some hinges. As the boxes began to take shape, so did their smiles. At the end of the session, the Webelos had created six awesome owl boxes. After watching this “normally active bunch” stay focused and engaged for over 2 hours, their Den Leader described it as “a truly awesome experience”.

Scouts and other volunteers will continue this conservation project on future Camp Snyder Service Days by installing these owl boxes throughout the camp and maintaining them in the coming years. Many similar conservation projects are available – Scouts recently installed four bluebird boxes at camp with several more to go. If you would like to learn more about conservation and other service projects at Camp Snyder, upcoming Service Days or to arrange for group projects, please email us at CWBS.Volunteers@gmail.com.

Michael’s Woodshop at Camp William B. Snyder is a hands-on work space that was designed for use by Scouts of all ages to create and learn. From Baloo the Builder activities to Eagle Scout Projects, our group of volunteer Shop Stewards can help you organize and carry out successful events. Michael’s Woodshop may be reserved for Unit activities, District events and many other Scouting activities. To learn more about shop capabilities, upcoming events and reserving the shop please visit the Camp Snyder website or email us at MichaelsWoodshop.CWBS@gmail.com.

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Woodworking Fun at 2019 Webelos and Scout Expo

Posted in Michael's Woodshop

Michael’s Woodshop Begins Its 2nd Year

At Camp Snyder’s 2019 Webelos & Scout Expo, Michael’s Woodshop officially began its second year of operation and it certainly got off to a great start! Visitors had the opportunity to tour the shop and Webelos, Scouts and siblings (and a few Dads) took the opportunity to get some hands-on woodworking experience by making their own Cell Phone Charging/Viewing Stand. After going through a safety briefing, the Scouts used a template to mark their blanks, went through two drilling & cutting work stations and then performed some light sanding to create a good fit. With a little final sanding, they all walked away with a very cool, handmade cell phone stand that they can use or give as a gift!

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This project also served as an exhibition of how the experienced volunteer Shop Stewards in Michael’s Woodshop can tailor projects to meet the needs of your group. For the Webelos & Scout Expo, the project needed to be short in duration and needed to accommodate a wide range of participant ages and skill levels. This was achieved by carefully selecting and modifying a suitable project design and by creating a series of templates and jigs specifically for the event. The end result was a very smooth process that allowed 60 visitors to complete the project during the Expo.

Michael’s Woodshop is a hands-on work space that was designed for use by Scouts of all ages to create and learn. The shop is operated and maintained by a group of volunteer Shop Stewards who are also available to help plan and carry out events. Michael’s Woodshop may be reserved for Unit activities, District events, Eagle Scout projects and many other Scouting activities.

For information about shop capabilities, upcoming events, reserving the shop or to learn more about volunteering, please visit the Camp Snyder website www.gotosnyder.org/ or email us at MichaelsWoodshop.CWBS@gmail.com.

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Wood Shop Fun at Cub Scout Expo

Posted in Michael's Woodshop

Over 100 Cub Scouts and siblings visited Michael’s Woodshop during the Cub Scout Expo held at Camp William B. Snyder on October 19. While in the wood shop, they had the opportunity to create their very own golf tee tic tac toe boards. Supervised by a group of volunteer Shop Stewards, the Cub Scouts had a great time working their way through a series of work stations including sawing, marking & drilling and sanding.

Everyone enjoyed this hands-on woodworking project and best of all, they got to leave with a fun game that they created themselves!

Michael’s Woodshop is a great place to hold engaging, hands-on activities for Scouts of all ages. Michael’s Woodshop may be reserved for Unit activities, District events, Eagle Scout projects and other Scouting activities. Our volunteer Shop Stewards are available to help plan and organize your activities and can help tailor projects to meet the age range and size of your group. They also provide training and can attend your event to provide guidance and assistance to carry out a safe and enjoyable activity.

Michael’s Woodshop is operated by a group of volunteer Shop Stewards. There is growing demand for the use of this amazing facility and there is a need for additional volunteers. Teaching and guiding Scouts in this creative environment is an incredibly rewarding experience. Both experienced woodworkers and novices, including older Scouts can become part of the team. To learn more about shop capabilities, planning an event, reserving the shop or volunteering, please visit the Camp Snyder website (www.gotosnyder.org) or email us at MichaelsWoodshop.CWBS@gmail.com

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Summer Camp Fun in Michael’s Woodshop

Posted in Michael's Woodshop

Webelos attending summer camp at Camp William B. Snyder in July had the opportunity to create their own marble tic tac toe board in Michael’s Woodshop. Scouts received a safety briefing, donned their safety glasses and were given a “blank” to begin their work. The Webelos rotated through three primary work stations “Sanding”, “Drilling” and “Cutting” and had the opportunity to use a variety of hand tools. They were supervised/assisted by camp staff in using the drill press. All Webelos in attendance followed the safety guidelines, completed their project and best of all – they all had fun!

Would your group enjoy this activity? Have another project in mind? Michael’s Woodshop may be reserved for Unit activities (all ages), District events, Eagle Scout projects and other Scouting activities. Our group of volunteer Shop Stewards can help you organize an event, can provide training and can attend your event to provide guidance and assistance to carry out a safe and enjoyable activity. In addition, Michael’s Woodshop offers monthly Woodwork Merit Badge and Woodworking 101 classes. We are also looking forward to our second season of Pinewood Derby Days beginning later in the year.

Michael’s Woodshop was designed, constructed and is operated by volunteers. In addition, a significant amount of the tools, equipment and building materials were acquired through donations from the local Scouting community. For information about shop capabilities, event registration, reserving the shop or to learn more about volunteering or supporting the shop, please visit the Michael’s Woodshop page on the Camp Snyder website or email Camp Snyder at Camp.Snyder@Scouting.Org

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